About this blog

This blog is not about answers to self-care because there will never be ultimate answers.  It is about modelling the process of applying critical thinking to self-care — gathering information, discussing options, sharing results and compiling data.  The Health Pursuits Reading/Study Group has been doing this since 1996 and we’ve honed our skills.  We’ve improved our status which is amazing considering that we’re all that many years older. On the web site, we have placed our whole basic workbook which helps people start.  We meet once a month ( 1st Monday of the month, 7 PM at Isabel Turner Library, Kingston, Ontario, Canada) and previously sent out an email report of the discussion.  This blog replaces that report.  The blog will include the meeting discussions as well as one-on-one discussions that come up between meetings.  Names and identifying details will not be used.  Only our reading choices, our questions, and our results will be shared.